Since I began this blog I've written on several occasions about claims that unleashed dogs reduce crimes. Tupper Thomas (Prospect Park administrator) has stated repeatedly that one of the benefits of the unleashed dogs policy was reduced crime. Well, I feel vidicated as "New Yorkers For Parks" just released NYPD statistics on park crime. From their website:
"In December 2005, NY4P helped to pass legislation that requires the city to report on crime in public parks."
Prior to that date the New York Police Department DID NOT KEEP PARK CRIME STATISTICS (except for Central Park, which has its own precinct). Does this make Tupper Thomas a liar? In my book it does, but what the media should really be asking is "Why is giving special privileges to a small interest group important enough to lie about?" Regarding the statistics for Prospect Park; for major felony crime complaints, April 1 – September 30, 2006, Prospect Park is the second most dangerous park with 25. Flushing Meadow Park is first with 35 and Riverside Park is third with 9.
Read the articles and see the statistics at "New Yorkers For Parks"